FAR AWAY DANCE ATOM Start: 01/05 21:30 UTC+1 Hackney Marshes ATOM (Alisa Oleva and Timothy Maxymenko) is inviting you to join a Far Away Dance - to dance together at a safe distance outdoors in Hackney Marshes to a live set based on the sounds of the location by musician Andrey Kiritchenko (director of Next Sound) who is situated in Kyiv, Ukraine. Link for listening is here (the link will become active on the 1st of May at 21:30) |
ATOM (Alisa Oleva and Timothy Maxymenko) is inviting you to join a Far Away Dance - to dance together at a safe distance outdoors in Hackney Marshes to a live set based on the sounds of the location by musician Andrey Kiritchenko (director of Next Sound) who is situated in Kyiv, Ukraine. We take pandemic restrictions as generative of new choreographies and ways of listening together. We are offering a situation for people to be together safely in the darkness of the evening, keeping each other in sight but at a far distance, dancing amongst the silhouettes, listening and being surrounded by the sounds of the location at the same time. ATOM has commissioned Andrey Kiritchenko in Kyiv to do a live performance based on field recordings collected from the site of Hackney Marshes. You will be able to safely share the space together, dancing or just listening to the live set created specially for the event from the everyday sounds and noises of the place you are in. ATOM is an art duo formed by Alisa Oleva and Timothy Maxymenko. We offer situations and experiences within urban spaces of portals, spaces in between, shared encounters, meeting places, scores for movement and contacts. Book your free place HERE