Beepblip-Remembering a Tree

Remembering a Tree (20'00'')


Start: 01/05 13:45 UTC+1

Nevenka Koprivšek Square, Ljubljana

BeepblipRemembering a Tree (20'00'') Nevenka Koprivšek Square, Ljubljana
composition with ambient sound capture
At this location, the environmentalist Aldo wanted to chain himself to an old maple tree. The maple tree was to be cut down to make way for an underground parking lot and a square of concrete for the so-called museum platform. The environmentalist was convinced by a bureaucrat that it was going to be a beautiful square full of trees and life. The construction workers cut down the old tree. At first, the square was completely useless: too cold in winter and too hot in summer. Eventually, in the fall and spring months, a portion of the square was populated by skaters. Most useful is the Cinemateque amphitheater, a patch of grass with small trees, where several festivals take place in the summer, including the Young Lions. The amphitheater in the middle of the platform is also populated by other-than-human users. The trees persist in small cracks along the concrete edge. They are inhabited by a flock of birds, surrounded by reflective windows. In summer, dozens of birds get killed hitting the windows... On the other side, there is the Metelkova Autonomous Cultural Centre, a place of disorder and biodiversity, where birds live relatively freely.
beepblip [Ida Hiršenfelder] is a Ljubljana, Slovenia-based sound artist and archivist. She makes immersive bleepy psychogeographical soundscapes using analogue electronics, DIY and modular synths, field recordings and computer manipulations. Her solo albums Noise for Strings, Vol. 1 (2019) and Noise for Strings, Vol. 2 (2020) were released by Kamizdat label. Web: Sound: