![]() Labo rainforest, ESACM-A Successful Failure |
A Sucessful Failure Lab Rainforest, ESACM Start: 02/05 18:30 UTC+1 Clermont Ferrand, France. Confined at home, the Rainforest labo participants must adapt, and propose a collaborative live sound performance.
Inspired by David Tudor's Rainforest and Max Neuhaus's Public Supply, they exchange sound over the internet through streaming, each of them transforming the sound before passing it to the next participant. The produced work, named A Successful Failure, is the result of this process : a sound transformed by each individual space and proposed to the public to listen in real time. |
The Rainforest labo, named after the work of artist David Tudor, propose each year to a group of students to create a common work composed of individual creation. In this fashion the 2020 edition keep the principle of an influx circulating between devices produced by the participants, this time using real time sound streaming. A live stream from somewhere in the world will go through each participants's individual space and modified in a unique way. This circulation, occuring in real time during the performance, links all the participants to create a common work. The result of this process will be streamed live and proposed to the public to listen to.
Just fifty yeas ago, the three astronauts of the Apollo XIII mission had to find a way, helped by earth by radio, to fit a square filter in a round hole to survive in their crippled spacecraft. They never landed on the moon, but returned safely to earth. Nasa called this mission a « successful failure ». Isolated by the confinement cause by the Covid 19 pandemic, the students of the Rainforest labo had to work in a similar way, each with whatever they had available and remotely instructed by the artist. Participants : Eloïse Buisan Eden Lebegue Théo Levillain Léo Reichling Frédéric Storup Swane Vieira Rainforest is a labo from Clermont Ferrant School of fine arts dedicated to teaching the specific tools of digital arts and sound art. Rainforest is hosted since 2018 by artist Grégoire Lauvin. |