![]() Colin Black -Dreaming Backwards Through Morning (stream link) Colin Black-Dreaming Backwards Through Morning (listen to broadcasted composition) Colin Black, artist web page CONA |
Colin Black: Dreaming Backwards Through Morning Colin Black Start: 02/05 20:00 UTC+1 Ljubljjana, Slovenia By juxtaposing recordings of dawn from my childhood farm in Australia with the sounds of my local street in Ljubljana (where I currently live), this new work is intended as a pluralistic form of geospatial autoethnography and geography.
By juxtaposing recordings of dawn from my childhood farm in Australia with the sounds of my local street in Ljubljana (where I currently live), this new work is intended as a pluralistic form of geospatial autoethnography and geography. This new work explores how, through my increased mobility, one place (with its history, stories, culture and even elements of its soundscape) can be virtually superimposed onto another place and how that can deconstruct notions of a fixed place and time. With the further augmentation of musical composition, this works aims to encompass issues relating to memory, place, migration, dislocation and even ownership. Moreover, the work is intended to raise questions, that includes how this type of reconceptualisation of place can also impact on notions of identity, both personal and national.
Commissioned work |