Girona, Barcelona
UTC +2

civil twilight





Live stream: emporda_aiguamolls.ogg

Parc Naturals dels Aiguamolls de l'Empordà

Giró, Jordi

Latitude: +42,2248405°
Longitude: +3,0921632°

Aiguamolls are Mediterranean wetlands in Catalonia. Streamer is located in  area with wet meadows and trees, and unfortunnaly near a parking.
The marshes are one of the natural areas of Catalonia with the largest variety of animal species.
Many birds use the marshes as a shelter and rest area, and there are over 300 species, many of them protected and of great beauty. The birds are the main faunal attraction of the Park. Up to now, 329 species of bird have been sighted, of which 82 species nest here on a regular basis. Species associated with aquatic environments are the most representative and the most plentiful.
During migration periods (February-June and July-October), thousands of birds use these marshes as a place of rest and feeding, especially during the Spring and when the north wind blows. During the second two weeks of April and the first days of May is when the largest number of species can be seen. 
In winter these marshes, like the Bay of Roses,  are visited by large numbers of birds coming from Northern and Central Europe. The duck group is one of the best-represented, with a monthly presence of some 15,000 specimens.

A collaboration between the Natural Park and soundCamp.