UTC +2

civil twilight





Live stream: raffaele-mariconte

Recording: montefalcone 01052016 - ore 4,07 - canti per le strade - Luca Buoninfante

Montefalcone di Valfortore

Raffaele Mariconte, Luca Buoninfante, Leandro Pisano

Latitude: +41,3257°
Longitude: +15,0108°

Our contribution to Reveil will be focused on the soundscape of one of the most representative rituals in the region, the procession to the church of Santuario del Carmine in the early morning of 1st of May.
Liminaria is a platform in which stories of places, people and landscapes come together through the hybridization and the convergence of modalities, languages and different tools (sound, video, photography and literature). 
 Sound in this context is seen as a research tool that combines different languages in order to form its own, and that is “ready to get out of its own proximity without declining the idea of inhabiting a place” (F. Casetti), building a dimension that is “Glocal” par excellence. 

Liminaria looks at creating a narrative that will give a new perspective to cultural, social, natural, architectural and landscape elements of the land, by having local communities teaming up with artists, curators, researcher, writers, and specialists of new technology. 

Our contribution to Reveil will be focused on the soundscape of one of the most representative rituals in the region, the procession to the church of Santuario del Carmine in the early morning of 1st of May. 
 As a really ancient ritual, this procession takes place as a way to symbolize the arrival of Spring and the past time when this church opened again after a long Winter. 
 During the night between 30th of April and 1st of May, many local people walk in the streets of Montefalcone di Valfortore, the village where this procession happens, holding in the hands white candels and singing an ancient religious hymn to Madonna del Carmine. 
 We will record and stream the sound of dawn from Montefalcone di Valfortore trying to narrate this tradition from the point of listening that sound offers us. It will be an opportunity to reflect – through the act of listening - upon how the sense of past is still alive in little and disappearing communities of this region, emerging in the modernity of globalized age.