Valencia, Spain
UTC +2
civil twilight
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Tancat de Mília, Albufera Natural Park, Valencia Presentes Densos work group
Latitude: +39.3103865°
Presentes Densos is a Seminar and Work Group facilitated by Miguel Ángel Martínez at the Institut Valenciá d'Art Modern (IVAM). For #Reveil2022, we will set up a soundcamp in the Albufera Natural Park near Valencia, Spain, and join the #Reveil stream with sounds from the Dawn Chorus in the area.
Presentes Densos ("dense presents", after Haraway's Staying with the Trouble) is a Seminar and Work Group facilitated by Miguel Ángel Martínez at the Institut Valenciá d'Art Modern (IVAM).
The seminar is focused on developing lines of thought and action in the context of the current climate collapse. In this second edition, it is focusing on relationships with other species, and is focusing on the Albufera Natural Park area near Valencia - a site of historic clashes between human-driven development and environmental disasters, as well as one of Spain's major reservations of migrating birds. Presentes Densos is working on the premise of Harraway and Despret's notion of Phonocene, which designates the epoch in which human beings have become capable of listening to the species we share a habitat with. As Vinciane Despret puts it, "To live our life calling it Phonocene is to learn to pay attention to the silence that the blackbird's song renders possible, but it is, also, not forgetting that this silence could be imposed". In developing its field work in the Parc Natural l'Albufera, the Presentes Densos seminar is collaborating with local environmental organisations such as SEO-Birdlife, Acció Ecologista AGRÓ, and local reservations such as Tancat de Mília and Tancat de la Pipa in the Albufera Lagoon. For #Reveil2022, we will set up a soundcamp in Tancat de Mília, l'Albufera and to join the #Reveil stream with sounds from the Dawn Chorus on Sunday, May 1st. For more information about Presentes Densos, see: |