UTC +3

civil twilight





Live stream: chania_ffpp_museum_stream.mp3

Flora & Fauna Preservation Park Museum, TUC, Chania

FFPP (Antonia Zacharouli), Technical University of Crete, Soundcamp (Maria Papadomanolaki) and FON

Latitude: +35.53094°
Longitude: +24.05674°

The box is installed close to a large Aleppo Pine of 10m height and 10m spread, at 600m from the Aegean Sea that hosts various bird species. 
The stream box is placed on the North-West side on the island of Crete, 5km away from Chania city and hosted by the Flora & Fauna Preservation Park. The Park involves 30 hectares of native species and olive groves and belongs to the Technical University of Crete. Location and streaming are made possible by the synergy of the Flora & Fauna Preservation Park, the Technical University of Crete in collaboration with UK-based arts organisations FON and Soundcamp as part of the Creative Europe funded project Acoustic Commons.
The box is sited close to a large Aleppo Pine of 10m height and 10m spread, at 600m from the Aegean Sea that hosts various bird species. 

At the site of streaming the sounds mostly heard are birds: at least 14 species of birds have been identified in the Flora & Fauna Preservation Park.
Accipiter gentilis
Accipiter nisus
Buteo buteo
Falco tinnunculus
Alectoris chukar
Streptopelia turtur
Cuculus canorus
Otus scops
Upupa epops
Turdus merula
Turdus philomelos
Corvus corax
Fringilla coelebs
Carduelis carduelis
One can also hear people talking or the sounds of them running and sometimes vehicles. Heavy equipment can be heard in the background but not often. Strong winds are blowing throughout the seasons.

For Revei 2022, we will be hosting a soundcamp event with panels, workshops and performances and a listening room to relay Reveil 9.


The streambox is sponsored by Soundcamp and FON as part of the CREATIVE EUROPE funded project 'Acoustic Commons' (2018-2022).
The streambox is installed and maintained by Dr Maria Papadomanolaki (Soundcamp) in collaboration with Dr Antonia Zacharouli (FFPP, TUC).


Flora & Fauna Preservation Park
Technical University of Crete