UTC +2
civil twilight
![]() Live stream: pont_riche_pont_pauvre_la_roya.mp3 Live stream: locusonus-performance.mp3 Live stream: la_brigue.mp3 |
Pont Riche Pont Pauvre, 06430 Tende, France Locus Sonus
Latitude: +44.104458°
For the 2022 edition Locus Sonus is setting up camp in the Roya Valley that meanders between the French and Italien borders before reaching the mediterranean sea.
The Roya valley is a place of transit and of geological transformation. Recently ravaged by disasterous flooding it is also well known to migrating people as a border crossing. The Pont Riche microphone is situated close to bee hives, on terraced farm land overlooking the river.
Over the weekend we are inviting inhabitants of the Roya valley to come and join us to listen to the reveil stream and also to take part in various listening and artistic practices including as sound walks, audio walks, dry stone wall building, or wolf howling. |