UTC +1
civil twilight
![]() Live stream: dumfries_and_galloway_loch_patrick.ogg Recording: Light rain, birdsong afternoon. - Taylor Nuttall |
Loch Patrick, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. Taylor Nuttall
Latitude: +55.0170345°
Streambox located in an area of farmland including wetlands at Loch Patrick.
Expect wind, rain, birds, wild fowl, farm animals, farming activity. Taylor Nuttall http://www.taylornuttall.com |
Originally launched in 2020 as a temporary mobile stream set up for Reveil 2020 using simple iPhone/App. Now upgraded with a purpose built external streambox fitted with Raspberry Pi, Komplete Audio2 and 2 microphones.
Relocated in 2022 near to Loch Patrick, a small loch in rural Dumfries and Galloway. Excited to discover what we will hear this year at this new location. We have a variety of typical garden birds, plus wildfowl including pheasant, partridge and various birds of prey especially Red Kite. Currently also surrounded by lambs and young cattle. https://www.taylornuttall.com https://soundcloud.com/taylornuttall https://taylornuttall.bandcamp.com @digitaylor |