UTC +2
civil twilight
![]() Recording: Dawn-Chors_2022-Lachen-an-der-Waldspitze-Leipzig - Geräuschkulisse e.V. |
Lachen an der Waldspitze - Auwald - Leipzig Geräuschkulisse e.V.
Latitude: +51.3694°
The stream is part of the Catching Sounds Workshop by Geräuschkulisse e.V. with Chris Watson. The workshop weekend takes mostly place in the city forest "Auwald" in Leipzig. Lachen is a small pond with lots of birds around and the city in a greater distance.
From April 29th to May 1st the Geräuschkulisse e.V. is hosting a workshop with Chris Watson called Catching Sounds. The workshop weekend takes mostly place in the city forest "Auwald" in Leipzig. Here a vertical soundscape is created with the participants utilizing the research crane which is located in the forest.
For Dawn Chorus we will stream from the small an pristine pond "Lachen" which is also located within the Auwald. |