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![]() Live stream: dovenby__commonland.ogg Recording: Dovenby Common Land, Dawn Chorus, 7th April 2020 - Julia Parks |
Dovenby Village Common Land JULIA PARKS
Latitude: +54.690886°
Small section of common land near the village of Dovenby.
'Dufan's farm/settlement'. Elements and their meanings pers.n. (Unknown) pers.n. Personal name bȳ (Old Norse) A farmstead, a village. This small patch of common land represents the only piece of land held in common remaining following the enclosure of the village in 1842. The land is surrounded by large fields used for sheep grazing. Many birds, insects and small mammals live here and a small stream flows along the edge of its boundary. Trees were planted widely on the land about 15 years ago geared towards providing cover for pheasants. The the land is part of a wider network of small woodlands maintained for pheasant shooting. Prior to tree growth it was unimproved open grass land. This project is kindly supported by Full of Noises, Barrow-in-Furness as part of the acoustic commons project: |