BST (GMT +1)
UTC +1
civil twilight
![]() Live stream: london_wildmic |
Kentish Town, NW5 Jem Finer
Latitude: +51.5513605°
Streaming from a rooftop in Kentish Town, NW London, UK.
The outlook is onto urban terraced streets with a lot of trees and gardens. About 250 meters away there is a small park. In this time of a global pandemic the severely reduced traffic, both on the roads and in the air, has had the positive consequence of making birdsong much more audible. Ideally I'd be streaming from a remote stream box, hidden in a park, but, due to technical issues, it isn't possible this year. However thanks to the new urban soundscape this new vantage point, though at a slight remove from woodland, will hopefully suffice to join the global dawn chorus, 2020.