UTC +10
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The Springs Environmental Reserve, Sunshine Coast Biosphere Reserve, Queensland, Australia Leah Barclay
Latitude: -26.70896887217763°
Sunshine Coast Biosphere Reserve part of BIOM, Biosphere Soundscapes and hosted in collaboration with the University of the Sunshine Coast
The Springs Environmental Reserve is primarily a wallum banksia woodland landscape with a diversity of native flora and fauna, including endangered species. This includes species endemic to the region, such as the endangered Swamp Stringybark (Eucalyptus conglomerata) and the vulnerable Whipstick Wattle (Acacia attenuata). This site is a critical remnant reserve and wildlife corridor connecting the Mooloolah River National Park, which is recognised as the core zone of the Sunshine Coast Biosphere Reserve. The core zone of a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve comprises a strictly protected area that contributes to the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species, and genetic variation.
The Springs is a vital Koala habitat, in addition to being a critical habitat for other native fauna, including kangaroos, wallabies, lace monitor lizards, multiple species of frogs, possums, bats, echidnas, and an abundance of bird life, including vulnerable and endangered species. The Sunshine Coast region was recognised as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2022 and is part of the international projects BIOM (Biosphere Open Microphone Network) and Biosphere Soundscapes, an international project running for over a decade with biosphere reserves across the planet. |