UTC +1
civil twilight
![]() Live stream: mobile_muswell_hill.ogg Recording: Coldfall Woods - Arrival 05:27 6th May 2023 - Phil Dunn Recording: Coldfall Woods - Sunrise 6th May 2023 - Phil Dunn Recording: Coldfall Woods - 05:50 6th May 2023 - Phil Dunn Recording: North London Fire-escape - 04:51 6th May 2023 - Phil Dunn |
Coldfall Wood, Creighton Avenue, Muswell Hill, London N10 Philip Dunn
Latitude: +51.5970728°
Phil is a multidisciplinary artist who conceives and executes work that incorporates performance, sound, photography, moving image, computer programming, and writing. As an artist establishing his practice later in life, his work draws on his former career experience and his ever-present love of nature, music, songs and cooking; occasionally offering a critique of the business world from which he emerged or engaging with current environmental and social issues. https://www.phildunn.art/
Coldfall wood is one of four areas of ancient woodland in Haringey, and while ancient woodland is defined as woods that have existed continuously for 400 years or more, geological findings tell a more ancient story of the land here which lies at the southern extent of glaciation in the British Isles. It was the discovery of rocks in Coldfall wood from much further north in the British Isles that demonstrated that glaciation reached this far south 424,000 years ago. Unlike other nearby woods, there are very few formal paths, and it is easy walk among the trees away from other people and to feel truly immersed in the changing light, sounds, smells and temperature (even in this small space) of the wood. Among other birds sounds, hoping to capture some early rising woodpeckers.
**Update 6th May** Sadly unable to stream due to technical issues. Eventually realised I should record anyway, but it did not occur to me to get myself down to the woods until after civil twilight. So first recording is from my fire-escape rather than the woods. And there were woodpeckers - 6min22sec into the 05:50 recording. |