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![]() Live stream: allerton_chellow_dean.mp3 Recording: Allerton (Chellow Dean) 7th May 2023 04:37 - A Sense Of Place |
Chellow Dean, Allerton, Bradford, UK A Sense Of Place (Julie & David)
Latitude: +53.80733631821932°
Gather at the Fleece Pub, where we will be guided to the site, in the woods at Chellow Dean.
Part of A Sense Of Place, which is funded through the Bradford Producing Hub, and run by David Carpenter, Julie Longden, with our walk leader, Chris Johnson. |
A Sense of Place is a sound art project that connects people to each other, nature, the built environment, their own creativity, and with a global audience, at specific times and places.
Last year we joined Reveille from down the hill in Bingley, but this year we're joining in from Julie's favourite place in her 'back yard'. We'll walk as a group to Chellow Dean via North Parade, with our walk leader Chris, to a spot in the woods on the edge of Chellow Dean. When we reach our place in the woods we will stay there until the sun has risen (5:20am) and witness the dawning of the day. We anticipate that people will make their own creative responses to the event through drawing, writing, poetry, and so on. Once the sun has risen our walk leader will guide people back to the Fleece Inn. |