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![]() Live stream: @BoschiPuianello |
Boschi di Puianello Riccardo Caspani, Giuseppe Cordaro
Latitude: +44.626373400007736°
Puianello is a small town on the outskirts of the city of Reggio Emilia. It is home to a number of important natural features: the two rivers that flow through it form a thicket in which numerous animal species find refuge, which would otherwise be difficult to observe in areas so close to inhabited centres. Some of these are common, such as the pheasant, hare or roe deer, others decidedly rarer, such as the badger, fallow deer or wild boar, and even protected, such as the wolf, several specimens of which have been observed. From an ornithological point of view, there are numerous bird species, both diurnal (such as the eastern collared dove, blackbird, woodpigeon, robin, cuckoo and oriole) and nocturnal (such as the owl, tawny owl and barn owl). In terms of geology, Puianello is located in an area datable to the Riss-Würm interglacial period.
Liminaria is a fieldwork-based research project aimed at developing sustainable cultural, social and economic networks in different rural areas in Italy.
The project unfolds through the planning and execution of “actions” on the territory, all carried out in joint collaboration with local communities. In this way, it seeks to test out new models of intervention in rural areas, thus reconfiguring rural territories as dynamic places while revaluing local resources. The “actions” carried out within the framework of the project range from cultural events and performances (including a sound-art residency programme for international artists) to mid-term coworking projects with local schools, from network optimisation and new-media related initiatives, to hybrid and experimental research protocols. Streamers bio: Riccardo Caspani is a sonic artist and audio producer who lives and works in Reggio Emilia. He plays an active role in the city's cultural environment as a coordinator of cultural events and productions, especially in projects where sound is the main medium. By blending field recordings, modular synthesizers and softwares, he creates contents for dance, theater, video, sound design for cars and record productions. He performs live both with the creation of sets for sound, and with live sets halfway between Djing and the use of analogue machines. Giuseppe Cordaro is an ecologist and sound artist, he has created a series of audiovisual projects for events, multimedia installations and mapping. Always attentive to sound research and the study of new technologies, he is working in the soundscape and phonosphere with great attention to sound ecology. He has collaborated with several artists including Mira Calix, Akira Rabelais, Michael Vallera, Robert Lippok, Simon Scott, Ben Frost, Giorgio Sancristoforo Corrado Nuccini, Giuseppe La Spada, Quayola. |