UTC +2
civil twilight
![]() Live stream: peterc Recording: Dawn chorus Bornholmer II - rec 5am, April20 2022 - nightingales, blackbirds, very close tram |
Bornholmer II kleingartenanlage, Berlin, Germany Peter Cusack
Latitude: +52.55640221807996°
The Bornholmer kleinegartenanlage is an area of small gardens (similar to allotments in the UK). Such gardens offer a lot of varied habitats for birds and there's a surprising variety, including nightingale, redstarts, lesser whitethroat, blackcap. The mics are fairly close to a path so people pass by regularly and very close to a loop of track where trams turn round at the end of their route. It is not used so much but, particularly in the evenings and early mornings, if you hear an approaching rumbling that briefly gets very loud, it is a tram No 50.