UTC +1
civil twilight
![]() Live stream: medway_crisap2.mp3 |
Hoo Peninsula, Medway, Kent, UK Jane Pitt
Latitude: +51.460799539459536°
The Hoo Peninsula is home to several SSSI sites including former MOD land which is now nationally important area of ancient woodland and rare grassland that supports one of the largest populations of nightingales in the UK which remains at risk of development for housing. In May the woodland, scrub and pools is brimming with a variety of birdsong, with industrial and domestic life sounds at its edges and the A2/M2 traffic thrum a distant constant. Live streaming using one of the CRiSAP Streamboxes made collectively during a group workshop with Soundcamp and https://crisap.org/research/ at Stave Hill.
The wooded scrub location is on the Hoo Peninsula in North Kent approx 40 miles south & east of London. A spur of land that separates the Thames and Medway rivers as they flow into the estuary and out to the north sea. The landscape is a mix of alluvial silt marshland, nature reserves, woodland, farming, former and active quarries, gas plant, housing etc. The area has a lot of recent new build and is still at risk of future housing development threatening habitat & biodiversity. Birdsong heard may include Black Cap, Great Tit, Stonechat, Green Woodpecker, Nightingale, Geese, Ducks, Black Headed Gulls, Robin, Blackbird etc.. Industrial and air/road transport sounds are also present.