UTC +1
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![]() Live stream: dorset_isle_of_portland.mp3 |
Brandy Row, Isle of Portland, Dorset Kneed: Leonie Rousham and Ishwari Bhalerao
Latitude: +50.560156°
This stream is from Brandy Row, the last Tudor cottage remaining in the Isle of Portland. Located on Chisel Beach and over 200 years old, this building has been witness to some of the most extreme storms in the UK, and it is now at risk of rising sea levels.This stream has been set up by artist duo Kneed: Leonie Rousham and Ishwari Bhalerao
The Isle of Portland is a tied Island 6km long at the Southern tip of the UK and a central part of the Jurassic Coast, due to being an Island is experiences its own micro-climate. Portland is known throughout the UK for its Portland limestone, which continues to be quarried here and extracted -St Pauls Cathedral and many more are built with Portland stone. Chisel beach is colloquially know as 'Deadmans bay' due to particularly strong and rare sea current, causing many historic shipwrecks, on this stream you may be able to hear'The Race'. Tune in to hear the sea and pebbles move. This stream is also placed close to a flood siren, which alerts the costal community to brace for flooding. We have set up this stream as part of a listening process, as we try and imagine what future structure could be built on this site. After uncovering the history of this cottage - we now look to future options that are resilient while supporting the needs of those who live on Portland; as this site faces the full impact of storms, floods and sea level rise. This project is part of This Land run by B-side, investigating on two fragile and unique natural and built heritage sites identified as at risk - https://b-side.org.uk/project/this-land/