UTC +10
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![]() Live stream: qld_13.mp3 Recording: Coolum Wetlands - Bernice Wood |
Stumers Creek, Coolum Beach Leah Barclay, Bernice Wood and Josie Bennett
Latitude: -26.51668126306534°
The wetlands around the coastal town of Coolum Beach support many birds, marsupials, frogs and insects. The hydrophone will be place in a flooded section of these wetland to listen in on the chimes Wallum Froglet.
Thank you to Leah Barclay for the hydrophone unit! On location with Josie Bennett & Bernice Wood |
With high than normal rainfall this year, the large palustrine wetland that is adjacent to Stumers Creek has seen a lot of activity of the Wallum Froglet. Stained with tannin from the paperbark trees ( Melaleuca), this area when flooded, drains into Stumers Creek which then flows a short distance to where it meets the Coral Sea.
Hydrophones will be placed in this wetland area to listen to the activity happening below the water level. This area is also popular with a variety of birds, including the Spangled Drongo. |