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![]() Live stream: mobile_roanhead_cumbria_uk.ogg Recording: Roanhead Reveil 2024 Stereo Recording - Wayne Scurrah Recording: Roanhead & Sandscale Soundscape ft. Natterjack Toads - Wayne Scurrah |
Roanhead, Cumbria, UK Wayne Scurrah
Latitude: +54.17067850854686°
Roanhead is a coastal area in Cumbria, UK, rich in diversity of flora and fauna, with spectacular views from the sand dunes. Coastal birds and woodland species both migratory and native, as well as the possibility of Natterjack toads.
Roanhead was chosen as this years broadcast location as it is a site of environmental importance that is again under threat from development. It is home to the UK's largest population of Natterjack Toads, as well as native and migratory sea birds and woodland species. The toads have a distinct and loud call which may be heard on the broadcast, and you can also expect to hear curlews, oystercatchers, skylarks, sanderlings, blackbirds, kestrels and wood warblers. Roanhead has a varied landscape of beaches, sand dunes, pools, and woodland. It is a peaceful and remote location, away from main roads and major developed areas.
You can sign the petition to stop the development at Roanhead by clicking the link below. https://www.saveroanhead.com |