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Live stream: copenhagen_palestineprotest.ogg

Esplanaden, Copenhagen


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National Demonstration: One Year of Genocide, One Year of Resistance - All of Denmark in the Streets for a Free Palestine.
The "Everyone in the Streets for a Free Palestine" Coalition calls for a National demonstration on Saturday, October 5, 2024, at 2:00 PM.

We urge all of Denmark to participate in the demonstration from Esplanaden to Rådhuspladsen in Copenhagen to mark one year of genocide in Gaza, which so far has claimed the lives of over 41,000 Palestinians. It has never been more important for the Danish people to unite and speak out against the Zionist genocide in Gaza and the Danish government's continued support for the Israeli occupation forces.

Purpose and Background:
October marks one year since Gaza showed the world that the Palestinian people will continue to resist Israeli occupation, ethnic cleansing, and countless war crimes against the Palestinian population. For more than 100 years, the Palestinian people have resisted Western imperialism and the Zionist project of colonizing Palestine. As we approach the first anniversary of Israel's genocide in Gaza, we simultaneously celebrate the Palestinian people's resilience and resistance against injustice.

Over the past year, Gaza's Ministry of Health has released the names of more than 41,000 Palestinians who have been killed in Gaza. It is estimated that the final number can exceed 189,000. The situation in Gaza is more critical than ever: the Palestinian population has nowhere to flee, and at the same time, a potential polio outbreak, along with increasingly horrific attacks on children, women, and men in both Gaza and the West Bank, all point to an intensification of the genocide. Yet, in the midst of this genocide, the Palestinian people in Gaza, all of Palestine, and around the world remain steadfast in their resistance.

Over the past year, the Danish population has consistently taken to the streets across the country to show their opposition to the Israeli occupation forces' genocide of the Palestinian civilian population. We are taking to the streets to demonstrate the people's unity and strength in standing against one of the most brutal and degrading assaults on civilians in modern times. The Zionist project has passed a point of no return, largely due to the mass mobilization that has filled the streets of the world over the past year.
Our stance is clear: The Danish government is complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians as long as it continues to support Israel. The moral cowardice and hypocrisy of the Danish government can and must not continue. The killing of civilians must stop.

Our Demands:
We demand an immediate and lasting ceasefire, an end to the illegal siege of Gaza, the release of over 10,700 Palestinian hostages in Israeli prisons, the release of the remaining Israeli hostages in Gaza, and that the Danish government implements an arms embargo against Israel.
- Standing together and speaking out against those in power has never been more important. Our government is complicit in genocide as long as they do not do everything to stop it.
- Protect civilians and stop the killings.
- Support the Palestinian struggle against colonization, military occupation, massacre, and racist apartheid policies.
- Support the Palestinian fight for freedom, justice, and self-determination.

- No flags other than the Palestinian flag are allowed. In the light of the latest aggressions on Lebanon, we will welcome the Lebanese flag.
- No banners, symbols, flags, flyers, etc. from political parties or religious organizations.
- No discriminatory behavior or chants, including Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, homophobia, or Zionism.

Follow @stopannekteringen for updates on future protests