UTC +10
civil twilight
![]() Live stream: mobile_tabbilforest.ogg Recording: Forest conversations: pied butcher birds et al at Tabbil Forest - Jane Richens |
Tabbil Forest, Dungog, NSW, Australia Jane Richens
Latitude: -32.41058915092842°
Dry rainforest birdsong, insects, frogs and other morning critters near an ephemeral creek
Dry rainforest in the foothills of the Barrington Tops National Park, on Gringai country, Dungog, New South Wales, Australia
Sound cast: rainforest and open forest birds, frogs, insects, wallabies and other morning critters near an ephemera creek + possibly rain (currently forecast) Jane Richens and her partner Brian Doherty are stewards of Tabbil Forest – a 680acre property with endangered ecological communities. They are passionate about conserving this land and instigated a local community group–the Paterson, Allyn Williams Science and Ideas Hub–to create events involving science, art and scientists to inform themselves and the community. www.tabbilforest.com.au www.pawsciencehub.com |