UTC +2
civil twilight
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La Chaux-de-Fonds, Jura neuchâtelois, Suisse Raphael Raccuia
Latitude: +47.10770965708244°
Nice spot in la Chaux-de-Fonds, on the edge of the wood, near la Maison Blanche of Le Corbusier . The city is located at more than 1000m high, and is surrounded by mountains and forests.
Nice spot in la Chaux-de-Fonds, on the edge of the wood, near la Maison Blanche of Le Corbusier . The city is located at more than 1000m high, and is surrounded by mountains and forests.
I will use a M/S Neumann cinema microphone and Sonosax preamplifier/ADC. The spot is very close to a zoo, so maybe we will hear some animals. Enjoy! rph-r.cc |