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![]() Live stream: thuringian_forest.mp3 |
Thuringian Forest Nele Moeller
Latitude: +50.69364010468693°
Streaming from a bark beetle infested site in the Thuringian Forest.
Part of the 'The Forest Echoes Back' project. A bark beetle-infested site in the Thuringian Forest, which will soon be clear-cut in an attempt to stop the spread of the beetle. We will hear wind in the spruce trees, birds, insects (beetles eating through the bark of the trees?), maybe some animals in the brushwood, some far away street sounds and plane sounds. |
Due to climate collapse, the Thuringian Forest in Germany is changing/disappearing at a rapid speed. Theoretically, it is an ancient forest, but in the last two centuries, since the beginning of industrialisation, it changedgot tranformed to a monoculture of spruce trees, which now has a tough time battling the dry and hot climate. The resilience of the trees is thus very low, and a huge bark beetle infestation accelerates the dying of the forest even more. To prevent the spread of the bark beetle, the "forest management" answers with extensive clear-cuts to remove the "infected" trees. They don't give the forest any time to regulate itself.
project website: theforestechoesback.online The microphone my ear I record I don't record Waiting for attunement My body a resonant object Rising disconncetedness Repetition Translation Silence How to reach towards understanding? The site is part of the ongoing research project "The Forest Echoes Back - Receiving and Transmitting Forest Conversations Through an Ecology of Listening", which explores the role of an artist as an intermediary between different fields of knowledge to develop a practice of care for an environment in times of climate collapse. In the project, foresters, forestry scientists, activists, hunters, herbalists and other community members around the forest and the forest itself are active research partners and form an interrelated communication network with wide-ranging perspectives on the forest's ecology. The research is situated at LUCA School of Arts Brussels and the University of Leuven and embedded in the research cluster Deep Histories Fragile Memories. |